Privacy Policy
Effective Date: 05/15/2024
1. No Data Collection: This app, Wind Tunnel Simulation, does not collect, store, or share any personal data, usage data, or any other information from its users.
2. No Third-Party Services: The app does not integrate with or use any third-party services or tools that collect data from users.
3. No Analytics or Advertising: There are no analytics tools or advertising services embedded in this app. As a result, no data is collected or shared for these purposes.
4. Children's Privacy: Since no data is collected, the app is safe for use by children and does not require any parental consent.
5. Changes to This Privacy Policy: Given that no data is collected, there are minimal circumstances under which this privacy policy may require updates. Should any changes become necessary in the future, the privacy policy will be updated, and users will be notified through the app.
6. Contact Us: If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please contact us at [email protected].
Release Notes
Version 1.3.0
2025-02-03- Added a zoom-out button to the analysis, sensor, and aerofoil sidebar panels.
- Removed the sensor counter in the sensor sidebar panel.
- Updated the positioning of the bottom buttons in the sensor sidebar panel.
- Updated the asynchronous data flowing from the simulation to the app's UI.
- Updated the algorithm for document saving and reading.
- Updated the UI layout for the release notes screen.
- Updated the sidebar table views with a custom selection gesture.
- Updated the tint adjustment mode for the analysis and sensor sidebar panels when other views are presented on top.
- Optimized data memory usage for the simulation.
- Fixed the drawing for the aerofoil trailing edge's interior angle diagram.
- Fixed the incorrect plotting data during the initial phase of inlet speed
- Fixed the foil customization data flow that led to multiple foil editor instances.
- Fixed the starting inlet speed that caused instability for thin aerofoil trailing edges.
Version 1.2.1
2025-01-15- Fixed issues with the streamline, pulseline, and particle display modes not functioning correctly.
Version 1.2.0
2025-01-10- Added the visualization of force distribution on solid objects.
- Updated the cache mechanism for boundary nodes.
- Updated user data flow to the simulation.
- Updated the release notes list to include previous versions.
- Updated the curl property name to Vorticity.
NOTE: Beginning with this version, the release notes in the app and on the App Store will be identical. For previous versions, the in-app release notes are slightly reworded to match the updated format.
Version 1.1.0
2024-12-17- Added a tunnel-detail screen triggered by a pinch-in gesture.
- Added illustrations for the boundary conditions used in the simulation to the tunnel-detail screen.
- Updated the inlet flow adjustment rate with faster speed.
- Updated the simulation input parameters and fluid property scales with larger incremental steps.
- Updated the fluid property scale adjustments during the simulation pause.
- Optimized fluid advection for the boundary nodes.
- Fixed the force and sensor data reading errors caused by unanticipated GPU thread behavior.
- Fixed the one-timestep advection issue after a simulation reset.
- Fixed the occasional crashes caused by invalid sensor plotting scales.
NOTE: The force distribution visualization is temporarily disabled in this update to allow for further investigation of rendering issues. It will be re-enabled in a future update once the issue is resolved.
Version 1.0.2
2024-11-13- Optimized the performance of fluid property readings, force extrema readings, and sensor sampling calculations.
- Fixed the thread sizing issue that caused incorrect simulation data readings.
Version 1.0.1
2024-11-12- Updated sensor chart drawing to support larger data sizes.
- Updated sensor count label for improved clarity.
- Fixed an issue where the simulation would reset incorrectly upon file change.
- Fixed the geometry positioning issue that caused frequent instability pop-up displays.
Version 1.0.0
2024-11-08- Added a document browser to manage geometry compositions and simulation settings.
- Added an indicator for gradual changes in inlet velocity.
- Added a reference point for force readings to scale magnitudes.
- Updated the sensor panel to display multiple sensor data lines in one chart, with toggle options for each sensor.
- Updated simulation free parameters to allow higher Reynolds flow conditions.
- Updated the geometry panel to a popup accessible via the Shape button in the tooling panel.
- Updated the sidebar UI layout for the Analysis, Sensor, and Foil panels.
- Updated the inlet to gradually increase speed from rest states.
- Updated fluid property scaling based on simulation input changes.
- Optimized geometry subdivision and boundary node computations.
- Fixed drawing artifacts during geometry modification.
- Fixed crashes on simulation reset when the sensor panel is active.
- Fixed crashes caused by incorrect geometry coordinate conversions between different contexts within the app.
- Fixed the Gurney flap functionality in the Foil panel.
- Fixed crashes caused by NaN values passed from the simulation to the UI.
Version 0.6.6
2024-08-22- Fixed several mesh computing issues.
- Fixed the force arrow in the analysis diagram not scaling properly.
Version 0.6.5
2024-08-20- Added realtime-to-simulation-time ratio to the status bar.
- Added a cache mechanism for the top scale and bottom input's stepper controls.
- Added lift-to-drag ratio calculation to the Analysis panel.
- Updated dimensionless equations to include approximation signs.
- Optimized airfoil drawing during modifications.
- Fixed simulation density color mapping.
Version 0.6.4
2024-08-16- Updated the airfoil drawing UI.
- Updated the kinematic viscosity diagrams in the Analysis panel.
- Fixed the airfoil measurement units.
- Fixed the airfoil subdivision issue that caused occasional boundary artifacts.
- Fixed the dark theme in the animation speed menu.
- Fixed airfoil redrawing artifacts during editing.
Version 0.6.3
2024-08-15- Updated the time display for sensors in the Sensor panel.
- Updated the top scale's stepper control UI.
- Updated the geometry bounding box during editing.
- Optimized the background image drawing.
- Fixed the sensor graphs on simulation reset.
- Fixed the airfoil dimension units in the Airfoil panel.
Version 0.6.2
2024-08-11- Added a panel to display realtime and simulation time.
- Added an automatic removal mechanism for current geometries when a new composition is selected.
- Added a standard airfoil with zero angle of attack to the Common Shape.
- Updated Collection to Geometry and Analytics to Analysis.
- Updated the tracer editor to include the standard airfoil from the Common Shape by default.
- Updated the Reynolds Number equation to include approximation signs.
- Fixed the force vector's y-component.
- Fixed crashes occurring during sensor removals.
- Fixed incorrect visualization of the force distribution after user interaction.
- Fixed redrawing artifacts during user zoom-in/out.
Version 0.6.1
2024-08-04- Added a force legend to the top bar.
- Added visualization of force distribution for geometries to the Analysis panel.
- Updated geometry centroids.
- Optimized boundary node computation.
- Fixed crashes when opening the export panel.
- Fixed occasional NaN values and crashes related to force calculation.
Version 0.5.0
2024-07-02- Added an input control for fluid density.
- Updated the inlet speed input control by removing the progress bar.
- Fixed the instability bug caused by small gaps between fluid-solid interfaces.
Version 0.4.1
2024-06-22- Fixed the boundary condition bug.
Version 0.4.0
2024-06-21- Added visualizations to illustrate the components of the Reynolds Number, Drag Coefficient, and Lift Coefficient equations.
- Optimized the boundary node computation.
- Fixed the geometry drawing for different states in editing mode.
Version 0.3.1
2024-06-05- Fixed the breaking changes that affected the geometry drawing in editing mode from the last update.
- Fixed the graph data line for sensors during scale modification.
Version 0.3.0
2024-06-03- Added undo and redo mechanism for airfoil node editing.
- Added tunnel dimension UI during user zoom-in.
- Updated the geometry selection UI to include different states: one for editing mode and one for analytic mode.
- Fixed the bug preventing multiple geometries from being added to the simulation.
- Fixed the bug preventing the airfoil attribute table from updating correctly.
- Fixed the sensor graphs during scale modifications.
Version 0.2.2
2024-05-28- Updated the UI for sensors on the sidebar.
- Fixed the issue causing sensor graphs to not append simulation data properly.
- Fixed the issue preventing the sensor from being displayed correctly on screen.
Version 0.2.1
2024-05-27- Added labels for the bottom input controls.
- Updated the sidebar to dismiss automatically during user zoom-in/out.
- Fixed the mini-map rendering bug.
Version 0.2.0
2024-05-23NOTE: This is the first minimal working version.